Current Standings

After Round 9 of the Club Championships here are the current standings for each category:

Ladies 17-39
1Claire Mckinnon668
2Annabel Hunter-Purvis331
3Abi Stanforth429
4Hannah Connolly215
5Charmaine Ho112
6Amy Ritson110
7Gael Atkinson110
8Emily Dunlop18
9Alex Hughes16
9Michele Hockley16
11Maddie Ineson15
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC
Ladies 40-50
1Charlotte  Mountford896
2Caroline O’Neil759
3Kerry  Byrne436
4Jenny Robertson326
5Rachel Miller321
6Ruth Helen Drake217
7Kat Nicholson315
8Jane Shipley314
9Claire  Widmer212
9Joanne Briggs212
9Karen Page212
12Donna Brennan211
13Althea Carr110
14Andrea Carver28
14Claire Mulligan18
16Holly Kelleher27
16Rachael Maitland27
18Emma Dance15
18Ruth Robinson15
20Kate Lloyd24
20Karen Duncan14
20Carol Carrillo Ragabo14
23Lydia Murray13
24Rachel Thew22
24Catherine Wallis12
26Claire  Light11
26Lesley Ineson11
26Jill Cashmore11
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC
Ladies 51+
1Sharon  Carr884
2Lauraine  Sinclair670
3Linda McKenzie541
4Alison Habebi639
5Debbie Shears520
6Melanie  Dunnet217
7Aileen Parkins415
7Lesley Mckinnon315
9Alyson Weymes214
10Judith Kindleyside112
10Lesley Ransome212
12Jennifer Burn311
13Helen Boaden29
14Angela Ellis18
15Lydia Murray16
15Caroline Docking16
17Jacqui Richards15
17Linda Hirst15
19Amanda Fletcher24
20Judith Rogers13
20Melanie Elliot13
20Julia Hills13
23Susan Miller12
23Janice Paxton22
25Debra  Watson11
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC
Gents 17-39
1Gary Martin332
2Joseph Jenson220
3Richard Gribbon112
3Ali Crawford112
3Luke Shears112
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC
Gents 40-50
1Chris Mountford771
2Stephen Leonard536
3Richard Heslop338
4Chris Mulligan224
4Dav Carr224
6Paul Batey220
6Peter Lowe320
8Alistair Carrillo Rabago213
9Matt Thomas212
10John Statton17
10Phil Lloyd27
12Philip Miller16
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC
Gents 51+
1Paul Robinson668
2Paul Murray112
2Robert Glasper112
2Simon Thomas112
5Tony Richards18
6Eddie Ellender17
Points last updated after the Temple Park XC